Newsletter Overview

Quality MediaAm Sonntag

The best that the Süddeutsche Zeitung has to offer every Sunday: exciting reports, inspiring interviews, touching stories and much more. Frequency: Sunday

Quality MediaAm Morgen / Am Abend

Hot content - morning and evening! The most important news of the day from the SZ editorial team. In addition to quick information, “SZ am Morgen / SZ am Abend” is also a showcase, giving a foretaste of reports, analyses and commentaries. Frequency: Mo – Fr: 2× morning & 2× evening, Sa: morning

FoodDas Rezept

The best recipes from SZ-Magazin and SZ. Always the right recommendation from our top chefs and cooking professionals. Frequency: Thursday

Society & Cultureeinfach leben!

Every Monday in the morning: useful tips for everyday life and good ideas for a better life. Frequency: Mondays

Quality MediaMünchen heute

Your current news update at 6 p.m.: What's really important today - and what it means. Pointed, personal, compact. Frequency: Sunday - Friday

LifestyleSZ-Magazin Newsletter

Week after week, an exciting preview of the contents of the upcoming magazine issue. Frequency: Thursday and Saturday