Press release

New “Reputation Impact” study: Advertising in quality media with a high reputation is demonstrably more effective

  • Advertising impact study “Reputation Impact”: media brands with a high reputation have a positive influence on the impact of the advertising media embedded in them    

  • Uplift effects of up to 25 percent for relevant advertising impact KPIs such as attitude towards the advertising material, purchase intention and willingness to spend   

  • Long-term KPIs such as brand knowledge and preferences or brand loyalty are also positively reinforced   


January 25, 2024. First things first: advertising in the quality media marketed by iq digital and REPUBLIC is demonstrably more effective. A high reputation of media brands has a significantly positive effect on relevant media KPIs. Iq digital and REPUBLIC have enlisted the expertise of researchers Schramm|Meitz & partners to investigate the exact effect on key performance indicators in the advertising environment. In an experimental study, it was once again scientifically proven that the advertising environment has a significant influence on the advertising impact of ads. The central result of the study: purchase intention and willingness to spend on the advertised products increase significantly and attitudes towards the advertising shown also change positively. The study's comparison environments were current affairs magazines and news portals as well as neutral environments.    


The “Reputation Impact” study provides a further scientific look at the effect of communication in the area of conflict between media reputation, advertising media and brand evaluation. The test participants evaluated various advertising motifs in quality environments, selected comparison media and unbranded control environments. The result shows a clear uplift for the quality media brands of REPUBLIC and iq digital:   

  • KPIs such as attitude towards the advertising medium and purchase intentions showed an impact uplift of between 14 and 25 percent in quality media print and online.   

  • Long-term KPIs such as product involvement, brand awareness and brand loyalty also benefited from greater activation of respondents in print.   

Republic's print media (F.A.Z. and SZ) and iq digital's online media (FAZ.NET,,,, and zeit online) were examined. In the first step, the credibility of the media was analyzed and the suitability of the ad was tested in a pre-test, before testing six ad motifs and their impact in the respective environment in the second step.    


Using six advertising impact KPIs (3 immediately effective KPIs on attitude towards the ad, purchase intention, willingness to spend and 3 long-term effective KPIs on product involvement, brand awareness & associations, brand loyalty), the study was able to prove that in a quality environment, the purchase intention and willingness to spend in particular are significantly higher than in the comparison environments of news magazines or news portals and a neutral environment. The respondents evaluated six advertisements in different environments as examples.    


“What influence do journalistic environments with a high reputation have on advertising impact? This was the starting point for the 'Reputation Impact' study,” explains Ingo Müller, Managing Director of REPUBLIC. “Because the topic of 'editorial environments' will become even more important for the advertising market in the coming years. Advertising media demonstrably benefit from the unique contact quality of media with a strong reputation. And across a wide range of short and long-term advertising impact indicators,” Müller continues.    


“Not least due to the final elimination of cookies, media planning is increasingly turning back into environment planning. A potential impact advantage is therefore crucial for successful media planning. If you want to communicate sustainably, you have to embark on an era of quality and meaningfulness, and our environments make a decisive contribution to this, as the study shows,” says Steffen Bax, Managing Director of iq digital.    


“Quality media brands give people guidance in finding trustworthy information. Communication in these environments also benefits from this. We examined digital and print media brands in the study. Advertising in quality environments arouses desire, increases the willingness to buy products and boosts recognition and image. For us, the 'Reputation Impact' study is an important basis in the discussion about quality environments, which will certainly continue to occupy us in the coming years,” continues Jürgen Maukner, Managing Director of REPUBLIC.   


We will be happy to send you the “Reputation Impact” results presentation.   

Enclosure: Reputation Impact graphic and study profile   


About iq digital   

As a joint venture between F.A.Z. Verlag, Handelsblatt Media Group, Süddeutsche Zeitung Verlag and ZEIT Online, iq digital stands for high reach in the areas of news and business/finance as well as for special interest offerings to address specific target groups. The portfolio includes top-class leading media in the areas of general news, business & finance, specialist media and millennials: websites such as DER SPIEGEL, FAZ.NET, Handelsblatt Online, Süddeutsche Zeitung, WirtschaftsWoche Online, ZEIT ONLINE and Der Tagesspiegel provide decision-makers with up-to-date information on all relevant topics on a daily basis. The diverse portfolio of iq digital also includes ada, ARIVA.DE, BTC-ECHO,, Harvard Business manager, manager magazin, Sä, Airport DUS,, and Numerous research portals such as,, Forschung und Wissen. B2B specialist media portals such as Autocad, Build-Ing., Genios, Tilasto, Weimer Media Group and HUSS-Verlag. With a total digital reach of 35 million digital unique users¹, iq digital is one of the leading marketers for digital quality media and mediabrands. ¹ Source: best for planning 2022 III   



REPUBLIC is the joint marketer of Frankfurter Allgemeine and Süddeutsche Zeitung. Both publishers each hold 50 percent of the joint venture, the client is VDI nachrichten. Across all channels, the media brands reach more than 21 million users per month in Germany (CMR, b4p2023 II). The media are particularly popular with successful, committed target groups. This is also shown by the high reach of 781,000 decision-makers for the renowned newspapers in LAE 2023. The joint managing directors are Jürgen Maukner and Ingo Müller, and the company is based in Berlin. Further locations are Frankfurt, Munich, Düsseldorf and Hamburg. REPUBLIC also works with a network of international marketing partners. Further information:   


About Schramm|Meitz & partners   

The strategy consultancy Schramm|Meitz & partners has been providing consulting and research services for clients in the media and advertising industry since its foundation in 2021. The consultancy, led by managing directors Boris Schramm and PD Dr. habil. Tino Meitz, offers genre-neutral and marketer-independent support in the context of media planning, marketing and the strategic market positioning of media.    


You can download the press release here.