
With the renunciation of large image worlds and extensive tracking scripts, reduced to what really counts: the message! The client CUPRA not only wanted to communicate on the topic of sustainability, but also to underpin its sustainable future strategy at the same time.


Sustainable communication is no problem with the iq digital ecoAD: The Co2-reduced advertising medium runs without any kind of tracking scripts, is hosted on 100% green electricity and generally saves on file weight in the design. In this way, the client achieved a stringency in the entire campaign.


CUPRA advertises its virtual garage with the ecoAD in the news channel on the media brands, Sü, ZEIT ONLINE, Der Tagesspiegel, Handelsblatt Online, WirtschaftsWoche, and Cicero.

Case Details

Take a look at all the relevant details on the implementation of this campaign. If you have any further questions about this case, please feel free to contact us at any time.