Committee work
We are represented in numerous BVDW focus groups and labs, including the Digital Responsibility department. We are actively involved, help shape the future and support cross-company cooperation.
We have signed the following BVDW codes of conduct with great conviction:
Employee satisfaction survey
Are the values of iq digital firmly anchored in the day-to-day work of the employees? How well does communication with managers work? How satisfied are employees with their role, their tasks and their development opportunities? It is not only at our Company Day that we address such questions and learn from the answers. We also focus specifically on satisfaction in employee surveys. Subsequent analysis and implementation of measures guaranteed.
Click here for our mission statement and values.
Mission statement group
The mission statement creates the framework for our cooperation. However, it only comes to life through daily cooperation and interaction with one another. We must actively live our values - at all levels. We see ourselves as a team that stands for innovation and quality. We want to connect people, media and brands in order to convey messages that are worthwhile. Each and every one of us contributes to creating the basis for free journalism and preserving this valuable asset. Because it is important to us. Our mission statement group also pursues these goals.
Bücherrabatte & Corporate-Benefits
Alle Mitarbeitenden haben die Möglichkeit, Bücher, die privat oder dienstlich benötigt werden, günstiger zu bestellen. Mitarbeiter:innen der Verlagsgruppe erhalten über das Mitarbeiterportal (Corporate Benefits) zudem exklusive Rabatte auf viele Markenprodukte aus den Bereichen Mode, Unterhaltungselektronik, Sport, Reisen und Wellness. Ebenso gibt es beispielsweise Rabatte für Fitnessstudios.
Training & Development
With our e-learning platform Masterplan, we offer employees the opportunity to continue their education by themselves and at any time - personally, as a team and as an organization. The platform is as easy to use as Netflix and looks just as appealing. It contains high-quality courses from leading experts on various topics such as digitalization,Sustainability, KI, soft skills, tools and much more.
Serious playground
The Serious Playground is an internal learning day in Düsseldorf with lots of exciting sessions and opportunities to exchange ideas. From AI tips and moderation basics to practical knowledge about Microsoft Teams, there are always exciting topics to offer.
In the GROW Academy, all employees can find all of the Handelsblatt Media Group's further training courses and have the opportunity to sign up for workshops or training courses or simply start immediately on Masterplan. All offers are available free of charge.
The Push Tomorrow Mentoring Program will also enter the next round in 2024. An experienced professional (mentor) supports a talented person (mentee). Tandems are formed for the programme, each consisting of a mentor and a mentee, who are in a self-organized 1:1 exchange with each other on a monthly basis. The monthly tandem meetings are accompanied by selected impulses and workshops, the topics of which the mentees can help to shape.
Various leadership programs and topics are also part of the Serious Playground.

Responsible Journalism
Quality environment
Responsible journalism is ethical reporting without manipulation and bias. It includes true and fair news that has a positive impact on current issues. Responsible journalists and media professionals gather information, verify it and present it in a way that is not hurtful or disrespectful. This is also what our quality media stands for.
Data Privacy
Data protection declaration (GDPR)
We have drawn up action plans for the requirements of the GDPR and monitor the implementation of these measures. Consultants experienced in data protection and information security and trained as data protection officers in accordance with the GDPR support us in making our company fit for the future and protecting data from misuse. At the same time, we guarantee the transparency of data processing on our quality media.
IT security & emergency concept Dataleak
Spam, malware and phishing attacks are part of everyday life, almost the norm. In addition to the many other aspects of attacks on our websites or data center infrastructures, there are also attacks on our user and email accounts in the cloud. These are numerous and constantly changing. The attackers move quickly and skillfully disguise their identity. The emails are becoming more and more professional and can hardly be distinguished from real emails. This is not only a problem for us humans, but also for algorithms and automated systems. The IT security department addresses all of these issues: In addition to tests and training programs for employees, there are also plans for emergencies.
Employee representative committee
ESG is also becoming increasingly important in the context of labor law. The ongoing topics of equal treatment, avoiding discrimination, inclusion, occupational health and safety must be continuously deepened and supplemented by environmental protection issues. The iq digital works council is one of the bodies responsible for these tasks.